ABJD was established with the desire to promote business opportunities in the agricultural sector between Vietnam and Japan.

Agricultural production in Vietnam has grown significantly over the past decades and continues to grow by leaps and bounds thanks to the introduction of large-scale agricultural production run by large corporations.

Support building Value Chain Consulting and supporting Vietnamese - Japanese business connection
Promote the development of Agriculture - Forestry - Fisheries in Vietnam Support speaking and speaking at conferences

However, while land and labor resources are the main resources for agricultural production, the labor force of nearly 18 million farmers, accounting for about 33% of the total working population, still does not really participate. . effective in this development process.

Capacity building for small-scale farmers is an important goal of the Vietnamese Government. And to achieve this set goal, Japan's experience is an extremely effective tool because agriculture in Japan is on a relatively small scale like Vietnam.

ABJD is not only an agricultural business bridge between Vietnam and Japan but also wants to contribute to supporting Vietnam's agricultural development in the next stage by mobilizing small-scale farmers, becoming a real resource. great and important for Vietnam's agriculture and rural development.

ABJD's Activities

Presentation from Workshop Connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand

9 presentation from agricultural input companies and expert from both Japan and Vietnam side.

News on Workshop for connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand

Many newspaper and TV channel (VTC16, and so on) published news on this workshop

Invitation to Workshop of Vietnam-Japan Agri Tech Forum

Theme “Connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand”

Opening registration for Business-matching hold by ABJD and MARD

Event is to provide an opportunity for private companies to introduce their products and technologies useful for Vietnamese agricultural development.

1- Resources to enhance Food Value Chains at provincial level

JICA has implemented pilot programs in 5 provinces of Vietnam, with the goal of replicating the results achieved in those provinces nationwide. ​ In these pilot programs, JICA provides support such as loans, grants, science and/or technolog cooperation, sending experts, and R&D to Vietnam. Besides JICA, there are private investments in these programs to build sustainable value chains across Vietnam.

JICA resources support Vietnam to improve the Food Value Chain of provinces and cities

2 - AMPF - Agricultural Market Platform 

AMPF is a province-by-province program in which JICA provides technical experts to assist Vietnamese local authorities in building their online produce markets. Producers can post what they sell on their province's platform to be found, while Japanese businesses can work with ABJD to get connected with the right AMPFs and find supply/demand across Vietnam for their solutions.

AMPF - Provincial Agricultural Market Forum

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About the agricultural production situation between Vietnam and Japan.
12/12/2024 267 views

Presentation from Workshop Connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand

9 presentation from agricultural input companies and expert from both Japan and Vietnam side.
12/12/2024 623 views

News on Workshop for connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand

Many newspaper and TV channel (VTC16, and so on) published news on this workshop
08/11/2024 346 views

Invitation to Workshop of Vietnam-Japan Agri Tech Forum

Theme “Connecting supply chain stakeholder and meeting market demand”