No Organization Name City/Province Product Description
1 Hung Nhan API Shop Son La Retail selling to the local producers (for plum, orange, vegetables) Business in API need high investment, provide low profit; The local farmers' knowledge of API is still limited -> need advice from API shop sellers
2 19/5 Agriculture Development Service Cooperative Son La The cooperative members families (For the cooperative members families, the shop sell at discount prices, provide advice in using fertilizers, chemicals, and support in selling their products) Retail selling to the local producers (for tea, plum, pomelo, vegetables) (60% API for tea production is provided by the factory)
3 Moc Gia API Shop Son La The shop owner is representative for BASF company, he support the local suppliers Retail selling to the local producers Too many API shops in the area -> unequal competition between shop professional owners and and certificated ones (the certificated shop owners more focus on profit earning, not on providing proper advice for the buyers, especially in selling chemicals); There should be capacity check of API shop owners by authrized agencies; Some chemical manufaturers give too much unecessary information on package -> confuse the buyers
4 Cuong Ha API Shop (No.2) Son La Cuong Ha API Shop is C1 agent -> wholesale to about 20 API shops in commune of Moc Chau Selling to the local producers in the commune (mainly for vegetable) Unfavourable weather happen the farmers lose their crops they reduce investment -> low sale; Selling chemicals need providing advice to buyers more than that in selling fertilizers.
5 Hong Thien API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the commune (mainly for longan, plum, orange, tea, maize) To compete with many API shops; Selling on credit to the local farmers -> Get bad debt when the local farmers get loss;
6 Nhan Giang API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the commune (mainly for fruit trees, rice, maize) The shop sells API materials through familiar network, get some bad debt.
7 Kha Van API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the area (mainly for maize. The local farmers do not invest much in fruit trees) Selling to the local producers in form of investor (sell on credit to them, get money back when they harvest) -> get bad debt.
8 Ba Nga API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the area in form of investor (sell on credit) Selling on credit to producers -> when they loss their harvest -> get bad debt
9 Tin Duyen API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the area (mainly for rice, maize) Business in fertilizers gives low profit, needs high capital, this is better in chemicals; Selling on credit to producers -> get bad debt;
10 Viet Tri API Shop Son La Selling to Two Viet Tri API branch shops: 1 in Bac Yen town, 1 in Gia Phu commune Phu Yen; Selling to the local producers in the area (mainly for rice) The sale decrease in 5 past years due to reduction of production (the local people move to work infactories); and many API shop open.
11 Bac Yen API Company Branch Son La Selling to 2 agents in Muong Khoa and Song Pe communes; Selling to the local producers in the area (mainly for rice, maize, cassava) The sale quantity decrease recently due to drought weather (only 1 rice season);
12 Bao Loc API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the commune (for maize, longan, mango, sugar cane)
13 Duc Hanh Ltd. Company Son La To supply for agents and shops in Sonla, Lai Chau, and Dien Bien provinces)
14 Hoa Sinh Kim Cuong Ltd. Company Son La Providing for suppliers such as Lan Tuyen, Tuan Ut, Thang Trang, Vuong Nghia, … in Mai Son The company supplies small quantity since the manufacturers always supply directly to small suppliers; Price of API products are high while price of agricultural products are low -> the local producers reduce their investment in production; High transportation cost since the manufacturers are far from the company; The local producers have not accessed to high tech. production -> difficult for the company to sell high quality products;
15 Linh Hien API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers in the commune (for strawberry, longan, vegetables, rice, maize) To sell chemicals, the seller need to have good knowledge on the products to provide proper instruction to farmers, otherwise the farmers may get loss from using wrong use; Price of API products are high while price of agricultural products are low -> the local producers reduce their investment in production;
16 Trung Nga API Shop Son La Whole sale to 8 shops in the district Selling to the local producers in the commune and neighbour communes (for longan, mango, rubber) Selling quatity reduces in drought season; Price of API products are high while price of agricultural products are low -> the local producers reduce their investment in production; Local people go to work in factories -> agricutural production decreases -> sale decreases; Get bad debt from selling on credit through "investors"
17 Minh Thuong API Shop Son La Minh Thuong API shop is 1 member of Minh Thuong Cooperative -> sale is limited in the cooperative members. Selling to the local producers in the commune (for longan, mango, jack fruit)
18 Manh Nga API Shop Son La Selling to investors in the commune (4 investors) Selling to the local producers in the commune (for longan, maize, cassava) API prices increase while prices of agricultural products are low -> producers change their production of rice and maize to production of cassava which need less fertilizers -> low sale; Too many API shops in the locality -> low sale
19 Lan Huy API Provider Son La Wholesale to 30 shops in Song Ma and Sop Cop districts No retail selling Drought happens in Song Ma district -> producer reduce their investment in production -> sale decrease; Banks reduce loan per mortage asset, the suppliers do not sell on credit;
20 Dang Nhi API Shop Son La Wholesale to 3 shops in Chieng Khuong and Chieng Cang communes Selling to the local producers in the commune (for longan, maize)
21 Minh Tien API Shop Son La Wholesale to 2 shops in Chieng Cang commune; Selling to the local producers in the commune (for longan, maize)
22 Thuy Truong API Shop Son La Wholesale to 5 agents in the district (1 shop in Chieng Khuong, 2 shops in Muong Hung, 2 shops in Chieng Khoong) Selling to the local producers in the commune (for longan, maize)
23 Dung Tuan API Shop Son La Wholesale to 50 agents in the district of Song Ma Selling to the local producers in the commune
24 Toan Duyen API Shop Son La Whole selling animal feeds, animal health medicines to other communes; Retail selling API to the local producers The local producers buy API by their habit (the products they have already known) -> difficult to sell new ones
25 Thanh Nga API Shop Son La Selling to the local "investors" who provide API for farmers and buy their products when harvest Retail selling to the local producers (including in the neighbour communes, mainly for rice, maize, cassava)
26 Hai Quan API Shop Son La Whole selling to more than 25 shops in Lai Chau and Dien Bien provinces Retail selling to the local producers (mainly for rice, vegetables, coffee) The shop owner is used to work for ADI company -> experienced
27 Truong The Vo API Shop Son La Selling to shops in 23 communes 0f thuan Chau district and Dien Bien province Retail selling to the local producers (small quantity) Strong competition between suppliers of Lam Thao and Ninh Binh -> many sellers
28 Quynh Nhai API Shop Son La Selling to the local producers
29 Toan Nhan API Shop Son La The local people recently go to work at factories -> agriculral production reduces -> demand of API materials reduce Selling to the local producers (mainly for cassava, rice, and maize)
30 Song Mo API Shop (C1 agent) Son La Selling to about 300 shops in districts of Quynh Nhai, Thuan Chau, Tuan Giao (Lai Chau), Tua Chua, Muong Ang, Muong Cha, Dien Bien city (Dien Bien) Selling to the local producers in the surrounding communes Prices of fertilizers of the same type are different -> difficulties in selling; The shop is always checked by the local DPP;
31 Thang Mang API Shop Son La The shop is always checked by the local market management agency; Compete with many shops in the commune and in other communes; Lack of capital -> borrow from banks and relatives
32 Sonla API Company Ltd. Shop No. 2 Son La Many API shops -> reducing sale quantity; The local agricultural production area reduces due to urbanization process -> low sale; The local minority people have not yet focused on production input investment; Shop and store are in one space
33 Phai Huyen API Shop Ha Noi Wholesale to 15 API shops in communes of Ba Vi disrtrict. Retail to the local producers in the commune and neighbor communes. To do business in API, the owners need 3 months of getting training; Selling on credit to producers -> get some bad debt; Retail selling need to devide the fertilizers into small sacks -> it may harm the seller
34 Lien Su API Shop Ha Noi Whole sale to 3 cooperatives in communes of Kim Bai, Do Dong, and Thanh Cao (Thanh Oai district) Retail to the local producers in the commune and neighbour communes The local people reduce agricutural production for working with trade for higher income -> annual sale decrease
35 Dang Chan API Agent Ha Noi Whole sale to about 250 API shops in districts of My Duc, Ung Hoa, Thanh Oai, …) Retail to the local producers in the town (not much for fruit trees) There are many private manufacturers of API competing with the big ones -> unstable prices, unequal quality; Prices of agricultural products are low -> farmers reduce their investment -> annual sale decreases; There should be more strict inspection of API quality.
36 Quy Hoa API Shop Ha Noi Whole sale to about 12 API shops in the district, Retail to the local producers in the commune
37 Thanh Viet API Shop Ha Noi The shop has been newly opened (2023) -> not yet get known much by he local clients; Lack of capital -> small business
38 Lai Phu API Shop Son La Short distances between API shops; the providers have many advertisment way -> quality of new products have not been practiced -> fertilizers prices are not relevant with their quality; The producers knowledge on fertilizer is still limited -> they are confused to select relevant types
39 Nguyen Thi Hoai API Shop Ha Noi The local agricultural land has been reclaimed by the local government for residence construction -> agricultural production decreases -> annual sale go down; Lack of capital -> small business;
40 Thao Hanh Fertilizer Shop Ha Noi Selling on credit to the local producers -> got bad debt (in the past; currently no selling on credit); Low profit due to competition with many API shops; Need to read instruction of new merchandises to advise the buyers.
41 Le Bach API Shop Son La Many API shops in the commune (7 shops), very competative; The producers knowledge on fertilizer is still limited -> they are confused to select relevant types
42 Chuc Son Town Agricultural Cooperative Ha Noi The producers/villagers buy in small amount that the shop keepers have to divide into small bag (the producers pack fertilizers in big sacks). This may cause harmful to the shop keepers/sellers; The cooperative has to compete with small family business shops (low benefit); The government should have a solution to stable fertilizer price. Recently, fertilizer prices increase, but the main agricultural products are low, farmers get low profit that leads to low sale of production input materials.